The paper showroom "Paper Voice Osaka" It will celebrate its 20th anniversary in May 2017. This is why the 20th anniversary was welcomed, I thank you very deeply for all of you. Regarding to celebrate the 20th anniversary, We will hold a poster exhibition. Through a poster of 66 creators created with the theme of "20" I would be pleased if you could fully appreciate the fascinating paper fascination. Please take a closer look at this opportunity.
PAPER VOICE 20TH ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION 2017.5.9(Tuesday) - 2017.5.18(Thursday)
OPENING PARTY : 2017. 5. 12 FRI | 18 : 00 - 19 : 30
OPEN : MON - FRI | 9:00 - 17:00 CLOSED : SAT, SUN
Venue:PAPER VOICE OSAKA 2-3-23 Minami-Semba, Chuou-ku, Osaka JAPAN URL:http://www.heiwapaper.co.jp/shop/2017/04/20.html